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Location: Home» Newsletter» 201701» No.4-201702» Events_201702
5th joint training course for “Biostatistics and Experiment Design” was held at IPP-CAAS

  The Department of International Cooperation and Graduate Student (DICGS), IPP-CAAS, and MARA-CABI Joint Laboratory for Biosafety co-organized the 5th joint training course for “Biostatistics and Experiment Design” at IPP during October 9-12th, 2018. Dr. Dirk Babendreier, Integrated Crop Pests Management (ICM) advisor from CABI Switzerland, was invited to give the lectures in the training course.

  On Oct. 10th, Prof. CHEN Julian, Director of DICGS, chaired the ceremony and emphasized the importance of experiment design and statistical analysis. Dr. Babendreier was appointed as an Adjunct Professor of IPP-CAAS. Prof. ZHOU Xueping , DG of IPP, issued the certification.

  38 graduate students from IPP-CAAS and other institutes of CAAS attended the training course. The training course focused on experiment design and basics on statistical data analysis. Practical exercises and group work were carried out after the lectures. A main exercise done in groups was the development of an experimental design for any topic of interest to the students. The graduate students who passed the exam at the end of the course obtained 1.5 credit points.

  Both Chinese and international students liked the course. The interactive, fully English-speaking training model promoted the exchanges among the trainer, trainees including Chinese and international students, and opened a new window for IPP’s international education.



Institute of Plant Protection
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

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