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       长期从事气候变化对昆虫的影响及昆虫对气候变化的适应机制研究,主持和参加国家自然基金、农业行业专项、转基因重大专项、国家科技基础条件平台建设项目、北京市自然基金、中国博士后基金等项目;在Global Change Biology、Journal of Experimental Biology、Journal of Insect Physiology、Applied Soil Ecology等杂志发表论文近30篇,参编著作4部。

1、Ma Gang, Rudolf Volker, Ma Chunsen*. 2015. Extreme temperature events alter demographic rates, relative fitness, and community structure. Global Change Biology, 21(5): 1794–1808.
2、Ma Gang, Hoffmann Ary, Ma Chunsen*. 2015. Daily temperature extremes play an important role in predicting thermal effects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(14): 2289–2296.
3、Ma Gang, Tian Bao-Liang, Zhao Fei, Wei Guo-Shu, Hoffmann Ary, Ma Chunsen*. 2017. Soil moisture conditions determine phenology and success of larval escape in the peach fruit moth, Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera, Carposinidae): Implications for predicting drought effects on a diapausing insect. Applied Soil Ecology, 110: 65–72.
4、Ma Gang, Ma Chunsen*. 2012. Effect of acclimation on heat-escape temperatures of two aphid species: implications for estimating behavioral response of insect to climate warming. Journal of Insect Physiology, 58(3): 303–309.
5、Ma Gang, Ma Chunsen*. 2012. Climate warming may increase aphids’ dropping probabilities in response to high temperatures. Journal of Insect Physiology, 58(11): 1456–1462.
6、Ma Gang, Ma Chunsen*. 2012. Differences in the nocturnal flight activity of insect pests and beneficial predatory insects recorded by light traps: possible use of a beneficial-friendly trapping strategy for controlling insect pests. European Journal of Entomology, 109(3): 395–401.
7、Zhang Bo, ZhaoFei, HoffmannAry, MaGang, DingHui-Mei, MaChun-Sen*. 2016. Warming accelerates carbohydrate consumption in the diapausing overwintering peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae). Environmental Entomology, 45(5): 1287–1293.
8、Liang Lina, Zhang Wei, Ma Gang, Hoffmann Ary, Ma Chunsen*. 2014. A single hot event stimulates adult performance but reduces egg survival in the oriental fruit moth, Grapholitha molesta. PLoS ONE, 9(12): e116339.
9、马罡, 马春森.* 2016. 气候变化下极端高温对昆虫种群影响的研究进展. 中国科学: 生命科学, 46(5): 556–564.
10、马罡, 马春森*. 2007. 三种麦蚜在温度梯度中活动行为的临界高温. 生态学报, 27(6): 2449–2459.
11、马罡, 马春森*. 2007. 禾谷缢管蚜对温度梯度的行为反应. 植物保护学报, 34(6): 624–630.
12、马春森*, 马罡, 赵飞. 2014. 气候变暖对麦蚜的影响. 应用昆虫学报, 51(6): 1435–1443.
13、杨和平, 马罡, 马春森*. 2011. 农作物害虫预测模型网络共享平台系统. 环境昆虫学报, 33(2): 173–179.
14、丁惠梅, 马罡, 武三安, 赵飞, 马春森*,2011. 滞育昆虫小分子含量变化研究进展. 应用昆虫学报, 48(4): 1052–1062.
15、马春森*, 何鹏, 马罡, 杨和平. 2011. 小麦病虫害便捷识别模型和远程诊断系统. 植物保护, 37(3): 165–169.
16、刘丽, 杨和平, 赵飞, 马罡, 马春森*. 2011. 北方果树食心虫远程便捷识别系统. 应用昆虫学报, 48(6): 1710–1718.
17、马春森*, 马罡, 杨和平. 2010. 小菜蛾在温带地区越冬研究进展. 生态学报, 30(13): 3628–3636.
18、马春森*, 马罡, 张素红, 杨和平. 2010. 家用调料植物粗提物防治小菜蛾的研究. 环境昆虫学报, 32(1): 66–72.
19、马春森*, 马罡, 常向前, 杨和平. 2009. 棉铃虫的环境友好型诱杀技术研究. 环境昆虫学报, 31(3): 219–225.
20、马春森*, 马罡, 常向前. 2008. 农业害虫高温调控的研究进展. 环境昆虫学报, 30(3): 257–264.