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、Man Zhao, Xiangdong Yuan, Jizhenwei, Wanna Zhang, Bingjie Wang,MyintKhaing, Ge mei Liang. Functional roles of cadherin, aminopeptidase-N and alkaline phosphatasefrom Helicoverpaarmigera(H
übner)in the action mechanism of Bacillusthuringiensis Cry2Aa. Scientific Reports. 2017,7: 46555
、Jizhen Wei, Gemei Liang, Kongmming Wu, ShaohuaGu, YuyuanGuo, Xinzhi Ni, Xianchun Li. Cytotoxicity and binding profiles of activated Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab to three insect cell lines. Insect Science. Doi: 2017, 10.1111/1744-7917.12451
3、Xiangdong Yuan, Man Zhao, Jizhen Wei, Wanna Zhang, Bingjie Wang, MyintMyintKhaing, Gemei Liang. New insights on the role of alkaline phosphatase 2 from Spodopteraexigua (Hübner) in the action mechanism of Bt toxin Cry2Aa. Journal of Insect Physiology. 2017, 98: 101-107
4、Zhang WN, Ma L, Wang BJ, Chen L, Khaing MM, Lu YH, Liang GM, Guo YY. Reproductive cost associated with Juvenile hormone in Bt-resistant strains of Helicoverpaarmigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J Econ. Entomol. 2016,109(6): 2534-2542
5、Jizhen Wei, Gemei Liang, Bingjie Wang, Feng Zhong, Lin Chen, MyintMyintKhaing, Jie Zhang, YuyuanGuo, Kongming Wu, Bruce E. Tabashnik. Activation of Btprotoxin Cry1Ac in resistantand susceptible cotton bollworm. PLoS ONE. 2016, 11(6): e0156560
6、Wanna Zhang, Long Ma, Haijun Xiao, BingtangXie, Guy Smagghe, YuyuanGuo,Gemei Liang. Molecular characterization and function analysis of the vitellogeninreceptor fromthe cotton bollworm, Helicoverpaarmigera(Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). PLoS ONE. 2016,11(5): e0155785
7、Pei-Jian Shi, Ji-Zhen Wei, Hardev S. Sandhu, Ge-Mei Liang. Capture the interaction types of two toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab on suppressing the cotton bollworm by using the multi-exponential equations. Insect Science. 2016,23(4): 649-654
8、Jizhen Wei, YuyuanGuo, Gemei Liang, Kongming Wu, Jie Zhang, Bruce E. Tabashnik, Xianchun Li. Cross-resistance and interactions between Bt toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab against the cotton bollworm. Scientific Reports.2015, 5:07714
9、Wanna Zhang, Long Ma, Feng Zhong, Yanan Wang, YuyuanGuo,Yanhui Lu and Gemei Liang.Fitness costs of reproductive capacity and ovarian development in a Bt-resistant strain of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpaarmigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pest Manag Sci. 2015, 71:870-877
10、Zhang Lili, Liang Gemei, GaoXiwu, Cao Guangchun, GuoYuyuan. Characterization and functional analysis of β-1,3-galactosyltransferase involved in Cry1Ac resistance from Helicoverpaarmigera (Hübner).Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2015,14(2): 337-346
11、Zhang Qian, Chen Lizhen, Lu Qiong, Zhang Yan, Liang Gemei. Toxicity and binding analyses of Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Vip3A in Cry1Ac-resistant and –susceptible strains of Helicoverpaarmigera (Hübner). Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2015, 14(2): 347-354
12、WN Zhang, HJ Xiao, GM Liang, YY Guo, KM Wu. Tradeoff between reproduction andresistance evolution to Bt-toxin inHelicoverpaarmigera: regulated byvitellogenin gene expression. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 2014,104(4), 444–452