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主持及参加的项目:国家“十五”科技攻关课题“玉米重大病虫害可持续控制技术研究”;“十一五”支撑计划项目“玉米重大病虫害防控技术”;转基因重大专项课题“转基因作物多点鉴定与综合评价”任务“转基因玉米抗虫性鉴定与筛选”;转基因重大专项重点课题“转cry1Abcry1F玉米对靶标害虫寄生性天敌的安全性评价技术研究”;欧盟援助项目“通过基于生物防治的植保技术转移提高湄公河次区域玉米种植小农户的收入”; 盖茨基金会项目“中国农作物重大病虫害早期预警系统建立的经验分享”;并承担了国内外多家公司委托的转基因玉米功能性状有效性及对非靶标昆虫的影响等横向课题20余项。


Email: baishuxiong@caas.cn

Tel: 010-62815614


1. Hongkun Tai, Feng Zhang, Chun Xiao, Rui Tang, Zhi Liu, Shuxiong Bai*, and Zhenying Wang. Toxicity of chemical pesticides commonly used in maize to Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of Asian corn borer. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.113802.

2. Xiaobei Liu, Shen Liu, Ying Long, Yueqin Wang, Wenlu Zhao, Su Mon Shwe, Zhenying Wang, Kanglai He, and Shuxiong Bai*. Baseline susceptibility and resistance allele frequency in Ostrinia furnacalis in relation to Cry1Ab toxins in China. Toxins, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins14040255.

3. Yee Yee Myint, Shuxiong Bai, Tiantao Zhang, Dirk Babendreier, Kanglai He, and Zhenying Wang. Ovipositional preference of Trichogramma dendrolomi and Trichogramma ostriniae strains from Myanmar on different host egg ages of Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2022.2044015.

4. Yee Yee Myint, Shuxiong Bai*, Tiantao Zhang, Dirk Babendreier, Kanglai He, and Zhenying Wang. Selection of the most effective Trichogramma strains from Myanmar to control Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis. Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab241.

5. Yee Yee Myint, Shuxiong Bai, Tiantao Zhang, Dirk Babendreier, Kanglai He, and Zhenying Wang. Molecular and morphological identification of Trichogramma species from Asian corn borer in Myanmar. Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, https://doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa253.

6. Shuxiong Bai, Zhenying Wang, Kanglai He, and Im Dae-joon. Olfactory response of Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to volatiles emitted by mungbean plants. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011, 10(4): 560-565.

7. 李宏梦, 郭井菲, 王振营, 何康来, 白树雄*. 8种草地贪夜蛾化学防控药剂对夜蛾黑卵蜂的急性毒性及安全性评价. 中国生物防治学报, 2021, 37(6): 1120-1125.

8. 白树雄, 何康来, 王振营. 邱式邦院士在中国亚洲玉米螟早期研究中的贡献. 中国生物防治学报, 2021, 37 (4) : 627-630.

9. 太红坤, 白树雄, 王振营等. 一点缀螟生物学特性及其在云南德宏玉米田的为害调查. 植物保护学报, 2018, 45(2): 251-256.

10. 太红坤, 白树雄, 王振营等. 玉米螟赤眼蜂防治云南亚洲玉米螟的田间效果. 中国生物防治学报, 2017, 33(3): 313-318.

11. 太红坤, 白树雄, 王振营等. 云南省德宏州亚洲玉米螟发生动态及主要为害区域调查. 植物保护, 2016, 42(2): 171-176.

12. 白树雄, 张洪刚, 葛星, 王振营. 转cry1F基因玉米花粉对腰带长体茧蜂存活和繁殖的影响. 植物保护, 2011, 37(6): 82-85.


1. 白树雄, 太红坤, 郑礼, 张峰, 刘峙, 顾中量, 王根权, 王振营. 防御式赤眼蜂蜂卡制备装置及其使用方法, 2016.3.4, 中国, ZL201410522924.8